Water, At the Heart of Adaptation to Climate Change

(Estimated reading time: 3,05 minutes) – Audio version of article available. The changes brought about by climate change will affect the availability, quality, and quantity of water for human needs and will complicate sustainable management of water resources. Rising sea levels and melting glaciers are two of the consequences of global warming that possibly best…

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Greater Energy Independence Means Freedom

(Estimated reading time: 2,58 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Energy is an essential part of life. It meets human needs all while creating industrial, commercial, and social wealth. However, producing energy from fossil fuels increases climate change and degrades air quality, which deteriorates ecosystems and is harmful to health. Spain’s current energy model…

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Water-Energy Nexus

(Estimated reading time: 4,30 minutes) – Audio version of article available. As the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE, 2018) acknowledges, there is a natural link between water and energy production. For this reason, climate-change adaptation strategies must seek solutions that consider this nexus. It has bearing on one of the main effects of…

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Blockchain and Energy

(Estimated reading time: 3,13 minutes) – Audio version of article available. According to European Union guidelines, which our country follows with different strategies and directives, the energy transition must be ecological and digital. At first sight, it might appear that these two things have nothing to do with each other. However, the truth is that,…

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Reusing Water

(Estimated reading time: 2,48 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Proper management of water-cycle services is inextricably linked to reuse. This is mandatory to sustainably administer our available reserves. It is also mandatory to tackle challenges such as drought and water stress, which are forecasted to increase in upcoming years as a result of…

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Green and Smart Cities

(Estimated reading time: 4 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Climate-change mitigation and resilience measures are especially important in cities. Firstly, because urban hubs generate 70% of carbon emissions caused by humans and consume 65% of global energy use. Secondly, because it is predicted that city-dwelling populations will grow 13% worldwide by 2050, and…

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How can we reduce CO2 emissions?

Tour the city with Adela Úcar and find out how to reduce everyday CO2 emissions to help improve the quality of air and your quality of life. “Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free world” is the slogan for World Habitat Day, which we celebrated 4 October 2021. #WorldHabitatDay  #UrbanOctober #COP26 Find out about it in our vblog…

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How to Fight Water Stress

(Estimated reading time: 4,27 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Water is vital. In other words, there is no life without water. It guarantees the survival of all living beings. In 2010, the United Nations (UN) recognised access to water and sanitation as a right. Specifically, it decreed that “all human beings are entitled…

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Electric Mobility

(Estimated reading time: 4,40 minutes) – Audio version of article available. Sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, and rolling out renewable energies are three vertices on a triangle that is fundamental in the fight against climate change. Like traffic signals, it is warning us about the danger of not taking action in time. Electrifying all economic sectors…

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Renewables and Energy Dependency

(Estimated reading time: 3,38 minutes) –  Audio version of article available. Increased installed capacity for renewable technologies in Spain is essential if we wish to achieve independence from foreign energy sources. This situation is structural and affects us both in terms of international raw fossil material markets and their impact on prices, and in terms…

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