AL DESCUBIERTO. Obras seleccionadas de The Howard Greenberg Gallery (Discovered. Select works from The Howard Greenberg Gallery)

Jean Pearson. C. 1948. © Saul Leiter Foundation

Fundación Canal is pleased to introduce the exhibition “Al descubierto. Obras seleccionadas de The Howard Greenberg Gallery (Discovered. Select Works from The Howard Greenberg Gallery).” This collection shows a fascinating selection of 111 photographs from one of the world’s leading photography archives, The Howard Greenberg Gallery (New York). This exhibition grants you the exceptional opportunity to discover images from prominent masters of photography that are normally not available to the public. It also takes you on a unique journey through 20th-century photography.

Al descubierto” includes works by 66 greats, like Berenice Abbott, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Diane Arbus, Bruce Davidson, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Eugène Atget, Robert Capa, Elliott Erwitt, Helmut Newton, Vivian Maier, and Man Ray, traveling through time from 1900 to the early 21st century.

Howard Greenberg, a must as a standard of 20th-century photography, has spent over 40 years creating an archive with more than 30,000 photographs.  In this exhibition, the visitor experiences how the items in an archive can be interconnected in several different ways. Based on how the images borne of the curator’s personal vision have been grouped, visitors can make their own connections and associations between photos and groups of images, creating the story of their own choice.

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Anne Morin, curator of “Al descubierto. Obras seleccionadas de The Howard Greenberg Gallery” provides a tour of this fascinating selection of 111 photographs from one of the world’s leading photography archives, The Howard Greenberg Gallery (New York).


Dive into a virtual experience and don’t miss out on a single detail from the exhibition Al descubierto. Obras seleccionadas de The Howard Greenberg Gallery. Move about the room, get close to each image, and read the explanatory texts to enjoy the exhibition from the location of your choice.


Learn how to become curator of your own “Imaginary Museum” with this online workshop for families. Select images of your life, look for relationships and create dialogue and new discourses between them, and…set up your own exhibition!


Free guided tours on Mondays

• Dates: non bank-holiday Mondays during the exhibition period

• Book your spot:

• Hours: 15:30 and 16:15

• Duration: 40 min

– Maximum 20 people (19+ guide) per guided tour

• Use of guiding system. This system shall be provided upon ticket validation

Tours designed and guided by Didark

Guided tours of the exhibition with guides from Fundación Canal

Fundación Canal offers tours through the Fundación’s team of guides, trained by experts in Art History, so guests can learn about the exhibition in a comprehensive way.

• Dates and times: during the exhibition period.

– Ask about availability at [email protected]
– Duration: 1 hour
– Maximum 20 people (19+ guide) per guided tour

• Prices per group: In Spanish M-F: 61€ / Weekends and bank holidays: 73€. In English M-F: 71€ / Weekends and bank holidays: 79€.

– Payment is made in advance upon booking.

Tours designed and guided by Didark

Information and booking: [email protected]

Guided group tours with private guide

• Prior booking by telephone is mandatory +34 91 545 15 01 (Monday through Friday, from 11 to 19:30h). Please see availability and hours.

• Capacity: guided tours for groups of up to 20 people, including guide.

• Maximum tour duration: 60 minutes.

– It is mandatory to use the guiding system. The tour is without cost if you come with your own system. If you do not have this service, the Fundación provides a service for hire (1€/person and a 50€/group deposit).

• Specific rules for tours with private guides HERE

Private tours

Fundación Canal provides your company or institution with the opportunity to organise a private tour of our magnificent exhibitions. These are guided tours given by our experts outside exhibition hours, exclusively for you. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to do a different kind of enriching activity which will surely delight your employees or clients. You can round off the tour with a cocktail party in the lobby or gardens. You may also organise a private tour as a complement to other events or meetings you hold elsewhere in our facilities.

For more information: [email protected]


Workshop visits for families

Visit-workshop for families with children from 7 to 12 years old. Must be booked by at least one adult.

• Dates: Weekends during the exhibition period.

• Upcoming dates and reservation of places:

• Saturdays and Sundays at 10:30 and 16:30

• Price: 8 € per participant. Discounts for large families and unemployed people.

• Duration: two hours (visit + workshop)

• On-site mode: Mateo Inurria 2 Hall and auditorium.

Workshops given by Mirarte monitors, specialised in the teaching of Art History for children and young people.


Madrid: crónica creativa de los 80 (Madrid: A creative chronicle of the 80s)

Designed for both Primary and ESO groups, this activity combines dynamic exhibition tours with fun workshops led by educational experts to put what students have learned into practise. Moreover, Fundación Canal provides teachers with educational sheets about the subjects addressed in “Madrid. Crónica creativa de los 80” so they can prepare for the tour beforehand.

• For groups of students from:
Primary and Secondary Education.

• Dates:
During the exhibition period. Inquire for availability through the ticket telephone line.

• Book your spot:
Monday through Thursday from 10:00 to 14:00

+34 91323 28 72
Advance booking required

• Price:
3€ participant (teachers at no cost). Minimum payment 20 participants per group
· Tour hours

For Primaria groups, from Monday through Friday at 10:00 h. Tour + workshop, 120 min duration.


Free entry
22/03/2022 - 28/08/2022

Weekdays and bank holidays: from 11:00 to 14:30 and from 15:30 to 20:00.
Wednesdays: from 11:00 to 14:30.


You may obtain the exhibition catalogue

Protection and hygiene measures

We take care of your safety so all you have to worry about is enjoying yourself. Learn about our Safe Environment COVID-19 plan here.




‘For a photograph to be good it must have balance, form and substance. But to be very good it must also have indefinable magic.’ These words by Elliott Erwitt have become the best way to define his extraordinary, momentous oeuvre. His drive to capture the essence of the everyday through...



All Fundación Canal's exhibitions are complemented with a series of conferences showcasing a relaxed chat with guests. This helps the public to delve into and increase their knowledge of each exhibition.



Performed by soloists from the Orchestra and Choir of the Community of Madrid (ORCAM), concerts in the Fundación Canal Chamber Music Series boast stellar programmes, bringing traditional classical and contemporary music together, along with instrumental diversity and a variety of musical styles.